
As part of BOFA's commitment to transparency and due diligence, we are enhancing both the presentation of datasheets and the technical detail to make it easier than ever before for customers to view verifiable operational data. Testing methodology is included within the new format.


These datasheet changes will bring new levels of transparency to the marketplace and help inform discussions with BOFA’s technical team on final specification. These changes are being rolled out throughout the remainder of 2023.

Changes to the datasheets include:

  • Improved guidance on where an extractor sits in the range
  • QR codes links to more information and product ‘walk around’ videos
  • Clear datasheet revision numbering
  • A more accurate filtration measurement of activated carbon by volume rather than by mass
  • Colour coding by range to make comparisons easier
  • List of compatible accessories (e.g. inline filters, spark arrestors, etc.)
  • More intuitive visual icons and graphics to aid communication
  • Addition of a settable airflow range, in addition to an unrestricted airflow
  • Maximum unit dimensions, inclusive of hinges, spigots, etc.

How do I access datasheets?

Datasheets for all BOFA products are available on our website, both within the portal and across all of our product range pages. Our sales and technical teams are also on hand to help you navigate our range of systems and to help identify the right solution for your business needs. You can contact our team by following this link.


Setting the standards for datasheet accuracy

So what's changed for customers?

The technical information contained within product datasheets provides an important baseline to assess whether a system set-up is an effective filtration solution for a range of applications and processes.

However, as is standard across the industry, the content within datasheets typically declares a maximum possible performance. At BOFA, we believe that whilst this data may be accurate accurate, it may not necessarily be a true representation of the achievable performance within a live working environment.

For this reason, we have taken the decision to review our datasheets and transition to this new format, starting with the AD 2000 iQ, AD Oracle iQ, and AD1000 iQ, with more to follow in the coming weeks.


Confidence in testing

All published data is the result of a rigorous testing, verification, and validation process for each unit, with results independently reviewed. This approach will set new industry benchmarks for transparency and data accuracy, providing customers with the baseline information they need to work with BOFA engineers to specify the most appropriate technology for their application.

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