Legal entity change for BOFA International Ltd and BOFA Americas, Inc.

On 1st June 2023, BOFA International Ltd merged with Donaldson Filtration GB Ltd and BOFA Americas, Inc. merged with Donaldson Company, Inc.

Emails will now be sent from a format.

If you have not done so already, please update your vendor records immediately to transition BOFA International Ltd to Donaldson Filtration GB Ltd as the ongoing customer entity.

As a reminder, the following now applies –

  • Emails from BOFA colleagues are sent from a email address.
  • Documentation relating to our orders are sent from a Donaldson email address and carry the Donaldson logo.
  • Company registration number: 03914641
  • UK VAT number: GB 729856971
  • All shipment documents and customer invoices are issued out of:

Donaldson Filtration GB Ltd.

  • Part numbers: all BOFA part numbers are pre-fixed with ‘1U’. For example:
    • A1050014 becomes 1UA1050014
    • 30761008-1238 becomes 1U30761008-1238
  • Please add the prefix ‘1U’ to parts ordered. On demand, it is possible to add your customer part number to appear on shipping and invoice documents. Please contact your customer services representative to discuss.
  • All invoice payments are due to:

GBP payments:

Donaldson Filtration GB Ltd bank account:

BNP Paribas UK

IBAN: GB36BNPA 4063 8485 3150 16


ACCOUNT NO: 85315016

SORT CODE: 40-63-84

EUR payments:

Donaldson Filtration GB Ltd bank account:

BNP Paribas Fortis

IBAN: BE59 2300 3934 3826


ACCOUNT NO: 230-0393438-26 / EUR

USD payments:

Donaldson Filtration GB Ltd bank account:

BNP Paribas Fortis

IBAN: BE59 2300 3934 3826


ACCOUNT NO: 230-0393438-26 / USD

  • All existing BOFA International Ltd warranties are covered under the new structure.
  • All new warranties are covered under Donaldson Filtration GB Ltd and are equal to the previous cover.
  • Our postal address remains unchanged.


All customers and suppliers have been notified of changes that apply to them. If you have further queries, please contact your sales representative directly or contact us.

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