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Your laws & legislation

Read about the key laws and legislations for

Safe Work Australia (SWA) is a government statutory body established in 2008 to develop national policy relating to WHS and workers’ compensation. Workplace exposure standards have been established by SWA for approximately 700 substances and mixtures. These are legal concentration limits that must not be exceeded under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act and Regulations. Each standard is evaluated by SWA members and then peer reviewed by Health Canada and Australian experts.

The Workplace Exposure Standards For Airborne Contaminants (2018) gives exposure standards for approximately 700 substances and mixtures based on 8 hour Time-Weighted Averages (TWAs) and/or 15 minute Short Term Exposure Limits (STELs). These can be given in mg/m3 and/or ppm.

SWA emphasises that workplace exposure standards do not identify a dividing line between a healthy or unhealthy working environment and should not be considered as representing an acceptable level of exposure to workers, they are simply the maximum upper limit prescribed by legislation.


**For more information specific to this country, please refer to the relevant in-country guidance.**

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